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How do we help?

Buy Local, Made Locally, For Locals

Project Simple provides balanced nutritious locally grown meals. We locate areas in which people are living in extreme material poverty and find those in the community without access to a nutritional daily meal and clean water. All the products and food purchased are from local families with the intention to contribute to the local economy. We also provide jobs for people in the community who desire to prepare the meals for the population

we serve. 

We create a safe space where the meals are served to those in the community that are in most need and unable to provide for themselves, those who face the biggest challenges and difficulty to get their own food. We focus mostly on the elderly, children, and those who are sick or have special needs. 

Since 2018 a total of 35,000 meals have been served. The project is managed and run by locals. They are the ones who live in Chajul, know the needs of their community, and know the best way to help and serve them.  Volunteers from the United States collaborate with the leaders from Chajul who wanted to take on this project to make the current soup kitchen possible.  

Some examples of our first campaigns:

Nepal Earthquake Relief
March 2016

PROJECT SIMPLE was in Nepal, from March 7th to the 14th we were fundraising for victims that live in the Gorke district near the earthquake epicenter...more

Guatemala & Honduras
April 2014

PROJECT SIMPLE was raising awareness for those who are living in poverty and still helping in their community, voluntairly! 100% of the money raised go directly towards purchasing the materials that... more

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